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Welcome to 2025!

Before we embark on our new Wolf Twin Review journey, let's remember the amazing poets who started it all in 2024. . .

Portraits by: Tré


Alan Abrams

We do not judge you,

  as we roll across the sky—

    we, the silent clouds.

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Beth Surdut

Listening to Raven

The wind comes up cold in August

Coyotes bark in the valley

I sit on the mountain

Raven wings brushing my hair.


Pay attention to me, says


I will. Tomorrow.

Right now, I’m distracted

Tied up. Tied down.


Raven sits in the juniper

Watching me as I draw him.

Looking at me

He swoops in to untie a knot.


He talks to me every day.

Light glancing off his feathers

Six drawings later

My eyes are reflected in his.


As I walk in the desert morning

Raven lands in front me

Listen, he says

And finally, I do.

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Nimue Brown

All Souls’ Night

Time, laid down in soil

Year upon year remembered

In dirt and buried relics.

We walk the contours of history

Stand on the enormity of millennia.


The dead are with us, all of them

Forever beneath us, within us

Layer upon layer of story,

Each life transformed to another.


Feast with the dead, feed upon them

Make them part of us, as we in turn

Will be eaten by the future.


There is no veil, only soil between us

And the bones we might excavate.


Around us the past remains present.

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Militia Vox


Comfort in shadows

Under veil of night

Swaddled in starry darkness

A sea of fright

Amethyst lips

Tease like storm clouds

Rolling in like

Impending sins now

I am night

I am dreams

Death in the light


Breath that melts into

Moonlit charms

Buried deep in

Velvet arms

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Sheila Murphy

Lorem Ipsum

Chance repeals unlikely chances to

amuse amaze just grace in lieu of

participation in participle manipulation.

If I were you I'd want to be less eye

for an eye than you from the hinterlands

you from replete with hailstones and threnody.

Parched parchement seahorse semaphore guardling

my predicate nom de plume my broom asweep

near fingers laced then undone.

Protowhatchamacallit down time bloom

with others then with cheat heat sheets

blowing in breeze light dark afternoon winter warm time.

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Goro Sakaki

Everything is Connected

Bathed in seven different types

of dazzling light,

Past resolutions and the scent of a new journey happily intertwines,

The precious essence held in poetry scatters divine sparks,

Generates an internal microcosm in the body, attune with

galactic equations,

A fateful reunion after several reincarnations,

It becomes a chain and spreads out into another human pattern,

With inspiration flying between distant lands,

My steps are light and my life goes along

with the comfortable flow.

Shorten the time it takes to learn of

Akasha's ulterior motives.

That's how everything is connected.

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Pippa Phillips

From: Little Black Book


to a setting sun

a dream I've dreamed before

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Kimihito Sasa


The simple three words

A password of “Let me in,”

it seems that I have

carelessly forgotten it

A window at morning glow

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Thomas L. Vaultonburg

X-Ray Binary Non-Binary System

After aeons we

Fall into each other for

One last dance—our first

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Aetheric Heart

Remember that soft

Space caressing the betwixt

Is made of stardust

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David Pedersen


the pieces

remain permanent,

the artist

is the change.

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Russil Tamsen

Dark Matter

Beyond their pond rim

Koi sense a tough mystery...

But can't crack that case.

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Dearest Readers:

Greetings, fellow poetry lovers. The Wolf Twin Review thanks you for your continued support of the literary arts and our wolf pack! We hope you will join us by submitting your work, or checking back next month. Subscribe to our blog to see the moonstruck poets we have lined up. Owwwoooooo!

All poems are the copyright and personal property of the authors, all art is the copyright and personal property of the artists. No art or writing on this website may be copied and distributed without permission from the artist or author.


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