1. All poetry must be original works, written by you.
2. Your poem should be in English, but may contain words in another language.
3. We accept all forms of poetry, except hate promoting poetry (including, but not limited to all discriminatory language: racist, sexist, transphobic, animal cruelty, and vicious language.), or works by territorial carnivores.
4. You may submit up to 4 poems a week, or at a time—but please—do not resubmit the same poems.
5. To keep it simple, we do things a bit differently here. Therefore, you may submit previously published works! We just need to see your style. But please, do not message us if your submitted poetry has been accepted elsewhere. Though, we will clap and howl for you—it is unnecessary. We do not publish any of your work without consent. If we are considering your poetry, you will be contacted, and we will ask for further pieces that are available.
6. You must like wolves who write poetry.